EdTech Leaders Praise for Digital Learning

Our language about digital technologies is obsolete, because we talk about information technologies (which is so 1980s) and communication technologies (which is so 1990s) when, at this point in history, our media enable creation and collaboration and sharing of knowledge. This empowers active learning in the many different forms Ferdi Serim describes in this book. So our challenge is no longer the limits of our technology, but instead involves moving past the psychological, political, and cultural barriers that leave us talking about and using learning media as if they were still information and communication. Ferdi describes how work in educational technologies at this time is a chance to leave your footprints in history.

– Dr. Chris Dede, Timothy E. Wirth Professor in Learning Technologies, Harvard University
Ferdi Serim brings a passion to his work, offering educators an introduction to digital learning as well as a friendly support system to jump-start the planning that must precede the best project-based digital learning experiences. His discussion of digital technology tools makes it easy to imagine how they might be employed to create powerful learning adventures, regardless of the quantity of digital tools available in any given classroom. Focusing on such skills as creativity and collaboration in the multitude of rich examples discussed throughout the book, Ferdi offers educators a gentle push that might be needed to help them think more creatively themselves and collaborate more with their peers to examine their teaching.

– Monica Beglau, Director eMINTS
I’ve known Ferdi Serim for more than 20 years, seeking his advice and expertise during the preparation of the Office of Technology Assessment studies on technology and learning during the eight years of the Clinton Administration when I led the Office of Educational Technology. I’ve been impressed with his vision and pragmatic approach to effective and innovative use of technology and I, and many others, have benefited from his extensive experience and his ability to lead the field in new directions at the local level in school districts, at the state level, and in national discussions. His knowledge and his passion give him credibility with educational leaders and policy makers and with practitioners as well. 

– Linda G. Roberts, Founding Director, Office of Educational Technology, US Department of Education 1994-2001
If we are going to unlock the creativity of the students, we first have to unlock the creativity of the teachers. But when we talk about turning students into expert learners, I don't think there is a way to do that without totally transforming the pedagogical practice. We are not going to turn students into expert learners if you perpetuate a curricular model that is, for example, textbook-driven rather than working with primary sources, when possible, or a model that involves students doing authentic projects, and ultimately projects of their own design, which leads to creativity, certainly there. Digital Learning provides the road map and on-ramps for the required transformations of teaching and learning.

– Dr. David Thornburg
Ferdi is a true EdTech pioneer!  He has leveraged his classroom success as a creative educator to advocate effectively for our field, and his understanding of the power of technology to improve learning is exceptional.  Back in 1995, Los Alamos National Laboratory turned to Ferdi to create professional development modules in one of the country’s earliest online science and technology initiatives.  His abilities to translate effective instructional design and practice into programs that provide an on- ramp for digital age learning have been widely used by the US Department of Education, the Milken Family Foundation, Education Testing Service, and the Singapore and Malaysia Ministries of Education. Ferdi is one of those rare individuals who knows how to facilitate second-order change. 

- Kurt A. Steinhaus, Ed.D.
The explosive emergence of computer-based interactive technologies means that the successful schools of tomorrow will bear little resemblance to the schools of today. Ferdi Serim points the way to that future by combining ground-breaking educational vision with intensely practical application in establishing powerful new technology-centered learning communities.

– Dr. Odvard Egil Dyrli, Emeritus Professor of Education, The University of Connecticut, Emeritus Editor-in-Chief, District Administration magazine

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